Full down Draft Pressurized Paint Booth with Basement, Floor, 3-Row of Grills, 2-Row of Intended Plates, 2-Ramps, Air Make Up Unit & Exhaust Cabinet on the side with Electric Heat Infrared Lamps. LED Upper Horizontal & Side Vertical Lights are included.
TEJ PAINT BOOTH’S crown jewel downdraft paint booth system designed for high production and outstanding performance. The TEJ-WB-90 FULL DOWN SPRAY PAINT BOOTH strives to achieve the gold standard for any paint job, automotive, industrial, you name it. The TEJ-WB-90 FULL DOWN SPRAY PAINT BOOTH is an upcoming player ready to achieve reputation for speed and durability. It’s high airflow and fast curing speeds make it a solid system not only for collision repair facilities but also for small businesses or spray / paint booth startups looking for low cycle time and years of non-stop operation.
- Meets NFPA 33 & OSHA 1910 GUIDELINES (Check with your local codes for local permit requirements)
- Brand New Spray Paint Booth for Sale.
- Big Enough for Automotive, Industrial & Furniture, etc.
- Blue Outside & White Inside.
- Drive Through doors Available.
- You can Buy with or without Heat.
- Double Wall Insulated Paint Booth.
- Attractive booth. Easy to Install.
- Spray Paint booth will Heat within 60 seconds.
- Spray Paint booth is an Energy Saver.
Inside Dimensions:
Length- 27 feet, Width- 14.5 feet
Height- 9 feet
Outside Dimensions:
Length- 27 feet, Width- 19 feet
Height- 11 feet

Basement and Floor: – (Galvanized Steel Assemble, 3-Row of Grills,
2 Row of Intended Plates, 2-Ramps)
Air Make Up Unit Motor- 10 HP
2-Control Panel
Exhaust Fan Motor- 7.5 HP
Front Four folding Doors with Glass
Motor for Water Base System: 1.5HP
3 Phase/ 230V
Side Door with Glass view
Filtering System, Heating System
Lighting System, Controlling System
Electric Heat Infrared Lamps
-(1 Year Warranty on the Booth)-
We Finance–We Finance——Financing Available!
For any questions, please call or text at 832-484-0161 or e-mail us at sales@tejpaintbooths.com